bread pudding is marvelous

bread pudding is marvelous!

I have written about the beauty of bread pudding many times because it is certainly one of my favorite desserts! The beauty is that it is different every time you make it, or at least, it should be! The concept of the chefs of old was that you threw everything left over into a bowl which might contain: scraps of cake, muffin, croissants and bread! Personally, I think it is the unintended variety that makes all the difference.

Certainly, adding some dried fruit ( sultanas and blueberries) soaked in Armagnac or brandy for the raisins and rye whiskey for the blueberries is a treat and extracting the natural vanilla flavorings from vanilla beans takes time. By Sunday, my search for all the ingredients will be over and it will be time to bake!

You may ask why I don’t have any leftovers?… well, we are not a big kitchen any more! Now, I have to scour the day old sections of various bakeries.

So what are you making today?


(click on the picture above for my basic bread pudding recipe)

lobsters invade Boston

my daughters in Boston
is this the loyal order of... er... lobsters?

When my daughters first emailed me this picture, I thought they had joined some sort of group, complete with silly hats, secret passwords and blood oaths. I knew they were at the Association for Psychological Science’s Conference in Boston, so I rest assured that the conference hadn’t changed that much!

The purpose of the hats, I assume, is a desire to partake of Boston’s very famous seafood. Unfortunately, the seafood restaurant famous for decades on the waterfront , “Jimmy’s”,  is gone to demolition. However, there are several alternatives that they might enjoy and here’s one:

Anthony’s Pier 4

Have fun, ladies!
