A little Diet help from above

Over the past year or so, I have seriously endeavored to lose weight with a modicum of success… but I needed help and guidance. I found it challenging to shed a few pounds now that I am older than I did as a young man or as an athlete.

I decided to look into what real men have done to control their waistline and I realized the answer was right before my eyes: the dietary habits of Monks. I knew they were strict, but it opened my eyes to what was possible. First, I read a book about the life of Saint Paisios of Holy Mount Athos. Personally, living off a bag of leaves for a year wasn’t going to work for me. I knew that an effective routine was there but I had to hunt for it!

I found a recipe book from Mount Athos that had everything I needed: beautiful filling soups and catches from the sea. My numbers from the doctors office were the envy of everyone I know… and now you know!

bon appetite!!! ❤️