How to build a good reputation with social media

Karen giving a Social Media Lecture at Cal Poly
Karen giving a Social Media Lecture at Cal Poly

Our daughter   Karen has always enjoyed the internet beginning with her first ‘Val Kilmer’ fan site  in the 7th grade.  Soon,  her site evolved to a discussion platform for her track and field friends along with publishing a popular web based newsletter. During this time, she encountered many of the troubling issues that face athletes, celebrities and almost everyone who frequents the internet. The same questions came up over and over: how do I make a good reputation?  How do I prevent a bad one from developing?  And How do I get old stuff  ‘off’ that continues to cause problems .

Today, Karen gave a lecture on the impact of social media on reputation management to a Psychology class at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and hoped to answer some of these questions for students. By ‘iclicker’ , she discovered that virtually all of the students were on social media! Consequently, many students find themselves haunted by embarrassing pictures of themselves on the internet and some deeds … well, that they wished others didn’t know about. By example, Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps learned this the hard way.  I am told, Karen offered helpful advice.

It was something to think about…

Roger Freberg

(too bad Cal Poly administrators weren’t around to listen)

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