it’s fiber muffin time!

the Best whole wheat muffins!
the Best whole wheat muffins!

Okay, I am not big on many high fiber foods. It reminds me too much of chewing on a cereal box! Also, as a child, it also reminds me of those really old people ( over 30) who talked about their operations and how great an effect they had that morning from eating some Brillo pad tasting thing the night before.

Well, good things for you don’t have to taste bad.

I am not going to give a sales pitch on high fiber, just to say that it is helpful to folks who have diabetes, want to lose weight and help remove the various and sundry toxins from their bodies. Let’s just say, it is a good thing. However, if it is such a good thing, why is it that so many high fiber products taste so bad? Well, the reason is rather simple: instead of just adding high fiber ingredients to various recipes, “they” try to make it a ‘health food’… and we know how that tastes! yuck

So, I dabbled with my own muffin. Start off with a basic recipe and begin to tweak it a bit. Add Bulghur Wheat to whole wheat flour ( provides a nice crunch), apple and blueberries and a nice collection of spices. The right spices make all the difference. Remember, it does take a few eggs to make a quality muffin…  but be careful with using nuts as they are a bit caloric and make the muffin a little brittle. These little muffins are just over 100 calories a piece… but you’d never know by tasting them!

So my little muffin makers, bake some up today!

Roger Freberg

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