it’s almost apple time!

00AlmostAppleTimeWell, maybe it was the cold winter… or maybe the superior job of apple tree pruning back in January… but whatever the reason, we are having a wonderful crop this year!

Karen has already said that she has this wonderful recipe for a Dutch Apple Turnover that she became quite fond of in Amsterdam… they call it an Apple Flap. Karen felt that the filling had more of an apple pie taste with many spices and a nice sauce. This ‘snack size’ is high on our baking list this year.

Of course, we will have plenty of Kristin’s favorite apple pies and Mom has dedicated one entire freezer to keep HER apple sauce. Now, all we need are the apples… and they are taking their time getting ripe.

Laura’s lovely apple sauce recipe

So many recipes… and the apples are not ready! argh!

Roger Freberg

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