You know YOU are getting old, when….

Ol Dad with his new safety device











You know you are getting old… when you get a ‘full’ helmet for a present. Now, I have to say that I never dreamt of a helmet, hinted that I wanted a helmet… and in truth… I have been praying for the day when they repeal the stupid helmet law. I mean, do they really think that a helmet is adequate protection from a Mack Truck or a drunk in a Volvo?

I guess if they see my head rolling by in some collision, they’ll say, ” I’m glad he was wearing a helmet!” huh?

In any event, I tried on my new helmet… and… well… as far as helmets go… I like it. Thank you Laura… it was a big improvement over my 13 year old version that was leaving little black things on my head.

2006 my familyKristin gave me a lot of ‘Big Dog’ gear… and her best present was flying home.

Karen gave more ‘SC Trojan’ Gear and

Karla wanted to recieve this year ( she was very generous last year)… so it was a great year for ol dad.

I have a nice group.

Enjoy the holidays… reality will be here soon enough.


Roger Freberg