How some Cal Poly

the funniest things one
the funniest things one can is a great site for directing folks to interesting topics and sites that will inform, educate, enlighten or amuse. I think my posting of the apparent dissatisfaction John Madden has for Cal Poly’s President the vacuous Warren Baker is worth a laugh or two. I especially like the story of John Madden sending him a one way ticket to go back where he came from… funny.

Somehow, the ascended beings of the internet found my blog worthy of passing along and directed folks to read the on-going battle between John Madden & Cal Poly’s Warren Baker.

Here’s the original post. (Don’t forget to check out the link in the article by Karen Vale covering some of the reasons why John Madden is so justifiably unhappy.)

By the way, it seems that others have been noticing the growth of college administrations and the mysterious and varied university foundations of which Cal Poly is no stranger. Here are a couple of articles I found amusing…

CSU must pull back shroud of foundations

How to balance the budget without cuts

So what have we learned here? It doesn’t take an ax to reduce the budget… just the ability to look at any problem honestly, ask the hard questions, admit a mistake, change directions firmly…and move on.

Roger Freberg

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