end of an era when children grow up

losing a bit of history comes with change
losing a bit of history comes with change

Well, this is certainly not a surprise to those who have become empty nesters that many of the memories from your children’s childhood years become casualties of change. It finally became time to make a change to the last children’s room in the house. Changing out furniture, pulling out carpet and finally painting the walls makes for a new room. 22 years ago I painted this at the request of one of my daughters who traveled everywhere with a 4′ tall Gumby.

Do you remember who framed Roger Rabbit?
Do you remember who framed Roger Rabbit?

Although the ‘dipping of the shoe’ in the film “who framed Roger Rabbit?” saddened my children, it remained one of their favorite movies as the bad guy finally got his in the end.

I am not sad that these 4′ images I sketched on the wall have gone, I am just sincerely grateful that it was something we could all share together. Life is always ahead of us and never behind.

Roger Freberg

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