

I was reading somewhere today that the word ‘WHATEVER’ was considered to be the worst and most annoyingly used word in the English language, or at least that spoken here in America.

‘WHATEVER’ is the  ‘Yì Jīng’ (I Ching) and — as Tom Hanks might say — the ‘answer’ to any question!

question: Would you like stale meatloaf or mystery stew for dinner?  answer: WHATEVER!

question: Would you like to discuss universal health, tea parties, pimps or Acorn? answer: WHATEVER

the complete answer to any boring question on earth: WHATEVER!

Some people say that if you answer a sincerely felt question with the word ‘whatever’, you are in fact being dismissive, putting them down and refusing to discuss the meaning of life with them? WHATEVER!

WHATEVER is a word one can use a lot … with the right people and and on the right occasions…


Roger Freberg

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