bread pudding is an improvisational recipe

dad's bread pudding

There was a time that people had the ability to add and subtract in their head, eye ball a construction project with beautiful results, paint without numbers and create something wonderful. However, everyone can recapture those long lost abilities and cooking skills by simply viewing most things including recipes as ‘guidelines.’

My grandmother was brilliant in the kitchen and she would tell me that cookbooks are ‘useful’ and help to ‘spark an idea’, but were really only ‘guidelines.’  This time in my bread pudding, I used banana nut muffins, croissants, and french bread as the base. This is why a bread pudding can be wonderfully different every time!

I believe all ‘Bread Puddings’  were really only a catch all dessert bound together by eggs, infused with fruit and cream, and covered with a yummy sauce. One nice feature of my bread puddings is that they reconstitute very well. Left over sections can be placed into a container covered with sauce and they microwave back to life beautifully!

So here’s the recipe... make it for someone you love.

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