soccer??? enuff said!

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First, I do believe in sports and I agree with Benjamin Franklin’s reference to as a ‘sound mind in a sound body.’ However, although I think soccer is interesting — whatever it is — but, it is definitely not a sport. In a sport you have contestants and usually somebody wins. In the world cup of soccer in South Africa, there were at least eight ‘ties’ and very specific ‘rules’ for advancing in the case of almost certain ties… one of the rules included  “drawing of lots by the FIFA Organising Committee.” Winning by chance or luck should be left in Las Vegas.

Personally, I think a ‘sport’ should reflect reality… and there are seldom any ‘ties’ in the real world. So what is soccer? Soccer resembles ‘aerobics’ more than anything else and call me strange, but watching a bunch of guys jump and run around, pound the ground and show frustration doesn’t do anything for me.

As someone once said, “There has got to be a prize for playing this game.”

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