Midnight Showing Of Harry Potter! Excellent!

Midnight showing of Harry Potter

Well, the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix happened last night… actually, at 12:01 (midnight) this morning! It obviously was important to me as I never stay up late for anything. We’re now ten days or so in receiving Book 7 which portends Harry’s demise… but then, the stories have a true to life reality that impresses… sometimes evil wins, unless good is as ruthless.

It seems like America’s premier happened much later than in other parts of he world… which is fine… vestiges of the British Empire and all. Karen reports that the premier in South Africa was some time ago.

No matter, it was certainly Warner Brother’s finest interpretation of J.K. Rowling’s hugely convoluted book. I was sincerely impressed with how well the movie followed the book and kept some of the more meaningful aspects of the story together…

Worth the ticket!

Roger Freberg