Halloween is Coming! SoooOoooon!

One of the nicest thnigs about Halloween is the children

Before Halloween became so ‘befuddled’ by devolving into an ‘adult party’, it was a wonderful time for adults to demonstrate some random kindness to the children of their community. It was a mysterious ‘treasure hunt’ for children.

The questions were all the same with the kids. Where do your friends live? Shall we drop by on my teacher? And…. who is giving out the best candy and treats?

Our children were also very captivated by the season and I was always curious as to who they wished to become on that special night? I made many a paper mache’ head for Kristin and Karla… but I remember one of my favorites. Karen wanted to go as “Spock.” This became quite a group production. I was tasked with making the shirt … and it sort of came out okay.

This Halloween will have far less children… but we always give out the ‘best’… or so I am told.

Roger Freberg