Portion Control & Nutritional Labels are Key to Diets

the truth about OUR Chicken Tetrazinni isn't really all that bad!Now, I have sat in enough test kitchens to say that I am not the person to squeeze the last calorie out of a recipe… because, taste & the experience of the food has always been my primary interest.

However, thanks to  this site  which allows you to evaluate your recipe… I find that our do-it-yourself special occasion meals are really not all that bad… if you watch the portions.

So let’s compare our latest dish to the best of the diet foods and see how we do?

Jenny Craig  has a few dishes that weigh in at 8.5oz. Let’s compare our cheesey dish to their Meatloaf. We have a lot more calories (392 vs. 300), more fat (13 g to 7g), the same cholesterol (45 mg). However, we have lower sodium (444 to 460 mg), more dietary fiber(5g to 3 g) and less sugar (5g to 8g) and the same protein (21 g).

So, although our  Chicken Tetrazinni  doesn’t qualify as a ‘diet food’… in fairness — it never really tried to be… we just wanted it to be as delicious as it could be and in the process we discovered… great tasting food is often good for you too!

Enjoy this our Chicken Tetrazinni without guilt! (recipe to follow soon)

Roger Freberg