Do you KNOW a Soldier?

our military family members

A lot has happened since World War II, most Americans do not know a soldier. I guess this is part of the fall out from the ‘volunteer’ army. I would suspect that soldiers are coming primarily from what we call ‘military families’ and certain geographical areas of our country.

I wouldn’t be so bold as to say we are a military family, but we have had a fair few. I have pictured two above…  my daughter Kristin (Iraq)  and her Uncle Jim (Afghanistan). We are proud of them.

The world is becoming an increasingly challenging place to live… and survive. Take the time to know who is on OUR side.

Roger Freberg

For me this election represents a watershed of sorts… whether we continue to look honestly at the world and protect those and what we love… or not. I am watching to see who Jimmy Carter endorses… then voting the opposite.