Cal Poly’s Administration likes to market themselves as the ‘conservative alternative to Berkeley’, the truth is far stranger. In the world of politics, most politicians have their ‘hit people’ who do all the nasty things that the ‘elected official’ can disavow, only after the irreparable damage has been done to their opponent.
In Academia, I have noticed a strange relationship at many universities ,a marriage of convenience between the most radical segments of the faculty and the University’s administration. The administration provides ‘protection and resources’ and the ‘radicals’ keep order. It is interesting to note that the infamous Ward Churchill couldn’t be ‘reevaluated’ until the President of the University of Colorado was pushed to resign. After this past Cal Poly Academic Senate impromptu meeting, Cal Poly’ Administration appears to have this same relationship with their radicals.
Cal Poly radicals have been lobbying Faculty Senators and smearing anyone who opposes the administration’s point of view. Truth suffers in these instances. One professor unfortunately plays to the stereotype: America hating, Military eviscerating, Death to Israel, bigoted Iranian. One student on “Polyratings” had this to say about this radical professor:
“(This professor) is the most antisemitic faculty member on campus. She consistently tries to push her alternative views of history on her students who often don’t know better. If you take her class, keep your ears and mind open, and don’t take everything she says for truth without a healthy deal of scepticism.”
Interesting to note that THIS professor has the full support of the administration.
In addition, we suspect that the local newspaper is about to deliver a set of below-the-belt editorials and columns supporting the Cal Poly administration and slamming everyone else. Funny how news travels.
So, Cal Poly President Warren Baker appears to be pulling out all the stops and leaving nothing to chance. I have learned in situations like this, the good guys can win… but there are no guarantees…. even if they are strong with good side of the force!
Roger Freberg
We have heard that certain Cal Poly Administrators are visiting school student representative groups via phone calls and ‘forcefully’ telling them NOT to participate in the student signature drive to stop the Saudi-Poly Alliance… our tax dollars at work.
Need a place to start to look… check out the School of Agriculture
1) Associated Students (ASI) (12 Mar)
(The Details are forthcoming)
2) Cal Poly Student Society of Women Engineers (6pm – 12 Mar)
The Society of Women Engineers having their meeting with the Provost on Wednesday at 6pm in Bonderson Engineering room 104. I am sure the Provost will be able to explain how the separate-but-equal deal between Cal Poly and Saudi Arabia is actually a big step forward for women!