Cal Poly Degrees FOR SALE!!!

Osama bin Laden loves Cal PolyDon’t have time for those pesky courses required by most universities? If you’ve got the money and lots of it, Cal Poly has the degree! The catch? it’s for men only and it’s in gender apartheid Saudi Arabia!

Here’s an UPDATE:

Yesterday, the administration through their surrogates effectively stopped all free speech and discussion on the issue of the Saudi Arabian purchase of Cal Poly Engineering and Technology. All it required was our willingness to support the Saudi version of ‘gender apartheid.’ What are a few ethics when it comes to money? Besides, Cal Poly’s record regarding free speech and women is appalling.

In some universities, the concept of ‘faculty governance’ is a reality and offers some balance to the often zealous college administration out to make a buck at all costs. At Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, all faculty governance is done with the expressed approval of Warren Baker, the University’s President. You must be ‘appointed’ or ‘anointed.’ It starts and ends there.

So it was no surprise when the 8 members of the Faculty’s Academic Senate voted down the entire notion of discussing the issue of Cal Poly’s support of Saudi Arabia before the full body of the academic senate. What was shocking was the courage of 2 members to vote in support of the discussions. Why would anyone vote against discussion, anyway? Hmmmm … I can’t help but wonder if these two faculty are still employed?

Part of the problem, from an academic point of view is awarding Cal State System degrees to Saudi nationals that have not completed the typically required coursework. Cheapening and streamlining the degree through the removal of offensive courses for a few bucks is offensive. Here is part of the Cal Poly’s secret discussion:

“As a follow up to our teleconference today, I had a discussion with our Provost. He expressed his support and endorsement of this initiative and confirmed that the students in Jubail can receive a Cal Poly degree through a collaborative program between the two universities. Thus, Cal Poly will be happy to participate in the implementation of a joint program with that goal in mind.”

I am disappointed with our local California state Representative Sam Blakeslee who seems more worried about trees and parks then dealing with Cal Poly (in his district). His silence has been deafening.

On a positive note, a UCLA Journalist wrote an excellent article on the continuing battle with Cal Poly’s Warren Baker in yesterday’s Daily Bruin. View it here!

At Cal Poly, Brian Eller wrote a funny tongue-in-cheek commentary in Cal Poly’s Mustang Daily entitled “To the Great President….” By the way, don’t credit Warren Baker for allowing the free speech that appears in the student newspaper, it took action in Federal Court against Cal Poly to lay the groundwork (viva Steve Hinkle!)!

In summary, the problems at Cal Poly are larger than the faculty and students can address by themselves. To put it another way, it will take the village to teach these administrative children.

The great Psychologist Milgram proved that even the best of us can be turned into willing participants of doing great harm, if at first, we decide not to get involved and look the other way.

Get involved.

Roger Freberg

PS. Got time? write Sam Blakeslee a note… or Arnold if you can get him away from a mirror.


UPDATE: EMAIL from Provost Durgin to Faculty!!!!

So, where the contract?

Why isn’t there more ‘transparency’, Mr. Durgin? And why would anyone put anything like that ( the above quote) in the contract UNLESS it was meant to be there?
—– Original Message —–
From: “William Durgin” <>
To: “
Cc: “Warren Baker” <>; <>; “Dan
Howard-Greene” <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:11 AM
Subject: Professor Freberg’s Email of 4-9-08


You recently received an email from Professor Freberg that cites a letter
from Dean Noori to Mr. Hector M. Estrada dated January 26, 2007. I want
to go on-record and say that neither joint degrees nor Cal Poly degrees
are associated with the proposed JUC project. I have previously made this
clear, in writing, and reaffirm it again here. My remarks, quoted in that
letter, were in response to a hypothetical question as to whether joint
degrees were possible. That letter was included as an historical appendix
to the proposal Professor Freberg cited and was not part of the proposed


William Durgin

William W. Durgin
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Phone: (805) 756-2186
FAX: (805) 756-5292

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