Google Censors?

Warren Baker Aging President of Cal polyWell, for those who haven’t noticed… tech savvy folks have been trying to lower the boom on opinions they do not like by getting folks like Google to drop their site.

My wife’s site ( ) hasn’t been visited by Google since June… and here we are in August 2008. Why is this? Laura’s site has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with Psychology, but it seems that everyone is getting whacked here.

The biggest problem is Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and I would like to lay the problem at their door and … there seems to be some evidence. The picture you see on the left appears to be a parody of Cal Poly’s aging President… the great Warren Baker. Well, there was a time when you could do a ‘Google Search’ and find this picture when you searched : Cal Poly, Cal Poly & Saudi Arabia or Warren Baker.

Today, nothing comes up on the search. Why is that ol Googly eyes?

There was another picture of Osama Bin laden in a Cal poly engineering sweater that can’t be found… it is very funny…

There is a story of how Google is suppressing blogs that use their site… but I will leave that to your reading….(Hint) it’s on one of the YAHOO lists.

So, here are a few things you can’t find on Google:

Cal Poly Graduation: Be ‘coul’ dude

Who’s really embarrassing Cal Poly?

Cal Poly & Saudi Arabia: Send in the clowns!

Behind the Cal Poly & Saudi Arabian Green Door

ssshhh… Saudi Arabia is watching you!

Cal Poly degrees for Sale? (contains a picture of Osama Bin Laden in a Cal Poly Engineering Sweater)

Want more fun? Check out all the posts under Cal Poly!

So…. Google…. let my bloggers go!

Roger Freberg

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