Jenny Craig Stars!

One of the Hundreds of Jenny Craig Stars!

I do want to get a fam picture … I am missing Kristin who was doing some sort of Frisbee pt today… at least that is the rumor. In the meantime, I am seen above with part of my family and me and my picture at jenny Craig!
Our local San Luis Obispo  Jenny Craig  is justifiable proud of their many clients who are succeeding at the challenges of developing a smaller envelop for themselves. Laura has maintained her ‘weight loss’ for a year on Jenny… and Karen, Kristin and I are still making progress… we each continue to set our goals lower and lower. Don’t worry… only our chubby friends think we’re ‘going thin.’ ha!

Recently, our local Jenny branch named me ‘client of the month’… how cool is that for doing what I needed to do anyway?


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