So, who’s stirring up the world’s violence?

Cal poly and Saudi Arabia

It’s hard to pick up today’s newspaper and not find some trouble spot and various trouble makers stirring things up around the world.

We hear problems are happening in some far off place Called Georgia and in Western China… and we wonder what is going on?

Of course, there are the typically disturbing news from the middle east and the saber rattling of Iran and Syria trying to shake the world with their sparks and magic.

But, I have to ask: what connects all of these folks together?

Russia just sent more troops into an area that has been ‘having problems with violence’ called North Ossetia (Georgia) and China has been dealing with basic assassinations in the Western provence with the Uighur … ah… these are areas with a high muslim population.

The strange thing is all the protests from the West… read on. 

If you run along the CIA web sites that cover these areas you get a better picture. The so-called ‘break away province’ of Georgia that linked back with Russia is Christian… the other part of Georgia… is not… it is Islamic.

Oh yes, I am sure that there are some really good muslims in the world… but everywhere you look there seems to be issues involving people who just happen to be muslims. However, we are not supposed to speak of it…. especially, ‘he-who-shall-not-be-named.’

Now why is Cal Poly doing deals with Saudi Arabia?

Roger Freberg

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