Viva Jenny Craig!

Can you believe she once weighed 349? or more?I know diets!

Believe me, I have been on thousands of diets with some success, but this is the only one that has provided staying power and I am still moving the weight down!

I am very proud of my family that has taken weight off as well… particular the ‘foodie’ children of mine who love cooking and preparing irresistible and wondrous dishes of epicurean delight! Is that description over the top? I can’t really tell! ha! You get the idea… we all know how to cook great stuff, so we have a bigger challenge than most… plus , there is this ‘super taster’ thing that we all share.

Laura has been able to maintain her weight loss for an entire year… and after my weight loss , I have maintained the same for a year… but I am now taking it farther down as is Karen.

So before you worry about us being ‘anorexic’ — as some of my pudgy friends like to suggest — let’s just say my BMI (Body Mass Index) is still high. I’ve got some reasonable work to do! I do get some funny looks from guys when I am snacking on a Jenny Craig Breakfast bar astride my aging Harley… but no one says anything.

Jenny Craig  works… and Jenny has introduced an  “Ideal Size Challenge”  and the deal is very cool… so what’s your excuse?

that’s  Karen  above… doing marvelously!

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