Quiche me baby!

President Woodrow Wilson supported this short lived RepublicCertainly one of my favorite foods, be it as a small snack or as the American tradition requires — a full meal packed with goodies — Quiche is wonderful! I make a mean crab quiche.

“Quiche Lorraine” and it’s many varieties has evolved from a German, yes German, dish. The word evolved from “Kuchen” to “Kuche” to “Kische” and finally to “Quiche” as it stands today. So, let’s pay  homage to the homeland of this great dish and the short lived Republic of Alsace-Lorraine.

Although there are still arguments as to the history of this delectable dish, I will side with the French classic “Larousse Gastronomique” (1962 first English Version, 1939 first French Edition… I have both) that says this classic is of German origin. After all, who would know better?

Laura has requested a ‘Mexican style’ quiche for Saturday… and I want a traditional Quiche Lorraine with bacon… so, we’ll probably have something with a south of the border flare…. she would like one of my pie crusts rather than a tortilla shell… so I am still working on it.

Stay tuned.

Roger Freberg

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