What every happened to Cadbury Chocolate?

Chocolate Cheesecake like you never had before!

Laura’s birthday is coming up and she requested a Chocolate & Peanut butter Cheesecake. Sounded simple enough, I had vowed not to open a  coveted  10 lb. block of Peter’s Chocolate as it only came in this single serving size. ahem…

My plan was to find a ‘well konched’ chocolate alternative like Cadbury for my needs… but I couldn’t find it at Albertson’s anywhere? And the locals didn’t know where it had gone? So, I did discover that it still existed and here hangs a story of modern times of mergers and acquisitions.  Hershey holds the license in the United States.

So, I looked for something acceptable and found a couple of bags of plain milk chocolate miniatures made by Mars, Inc. under the  title of Dove... should be good.

By the way, the easy part of turning a chocolate cheesecake into a peanut butter cheesecake is rather simple. Divide the cheesecake mixture into two sections (depending on how much of one virsus the other you prefer… I like a 2/3 chocolate section and 1/3 peanut butter section).. after you pour the chocolate mixture into the pan, then in a swirling motion pour the peanutbutter mixture into the chocolate mixture leaving a spiral trail…. then bake.

We learn something new every day… I am glad Cadbury is still here… somewhere.

Roger Freberg

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