Home is where the Heart is… and where they are!

lunch al fresco

Well, today Laura had wanted to do a little sight seeing around our local neighborhood. Isn’t that always the way it is… New Yorkers who never see ‘the Lady’ and we never venturing to far away from our home… except for big travel. So we designed a little walk into the hills brought a snack and had an enjoyable morning. When we returned , we had a nice lunch al fresco.
From part of our walk looking down into the valley

Here we are checking out the view. Laura was a great camper bringing plenty of water for all… even the reluctant trekee!

the end of the day... coffee stop!

Laura snapped this one of me all slumped down in my chair enjoying my coffee at a local shop. Laura was a good sport in humoring me in this one last journey at the end of the day!

Remember Labor Day is more than a day off.

Roger Freberg

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