Got Beer? No? Brew Your Own!

this here brew has earned the Captn Roger seal of approval!Well, I always wanted to know how one of my favorite sets of grains were treated when I wasn’t using them in bread and elsewhere? I have always had some fondness for beer and if the truth be known… I have enjoyed them everywhere … from the Hofbrauhaus to turning my ‘glass upside down’ in a Sidney bar.

All great fun. I have to confess to wondering what it would be like to brew my own.
Laura’s cousin Pam and her husband seemingly enjoy the effort required in home brewery and with a little prompting consented to provide a step by step look into the home brewery process!

Here’s how they do it!

Hopefully the hurricane will miss them in Houston or the storm is a bit merciful.

All I can say from the galley of Captn Rog, “Drink up me hardies!”

Roger Freberg

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