Palin email Hacker has Democrat link

David Kernell is son of Tennessee Democrat Mike Kernell

What did the father Tennessee State Representative from Memphis and Democrat Michael Kernell say of his son David Kernell  ‘hacking’ Vice Presidential running mate and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s email account?

“I had nothing to do with it, I had no knowledge or anything,” Mike Kernell told the AP last week.

“I was not a party to anything of this nature at all,” he added. “I wasn’t in on this ” and I wouldn’t know how to do anything like that.”

Although I personally think the ‘lady doth protest too much’, I think this quote really reads: “Save me… SAVE ME!!!!” Well, hopefully Representative Kernell this isn’t ‘all about you.’ However, I do wonder why you voted against that  ‘ethics bill’  that  passed  in your state of Tennessee? And why is it we can’t find any pictures of Representative Mike Kernell on the net?

As an aside, I have been impressed with the excellent technological foundation given students at the University of Tennessee. My daughter Karen , a Ph.D. Student there finds something to impress me every day. However, it seems as this minor league hacker should have taken another class or two and the father should be ‘inspecting what he expects’ in his son’s behavior.

Maybe a little time in the military or public service would do him some good.

Roger Freberg

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