Cooking with Eggplant

the humble eggplant

My wife of 36 years has very few faults — and I mean that sincerely — but those she has surround what she considers ‘acceptable’ cuisine. There are two items that we tend to think of as vegetables ( Eggplant is actually a berry) that she has always found objectionable: Okra and Eggplant. I would normally enjoy dishes made with these ingredients only when I traveled on the road.  However, the challenges with many ‘vegetables’ is always in the preparation, usually needing to reduce their moisture so that they don’t make a fine dish… watery. So, I would argue that it is the preparation and not the eggplant that is the issue.

With a little encouragement from Laura’s aunt Jeanne, Laura is ready to try something … new. Most of the recipes you will find on the internet do not address the issue of ‘wateriness’ as they tend to view quickness in preparation as more important than the final product. Sorry, that’s just the way I see it.

I am deep frying slices of seasoned and battered eggplant that has first had some moisture reduction therapy (details to follow when I post the recipe) that I will layer in a casserole with various cheeses and our own Marinara Sauce… along with a few surprises… so far it all smells delicious!

Stay tuned!

Roger Freberg

Although the Arabs like to take credit for many things, including bringing the eggplant to europe in the middle ages, the eggplant originated in Asia where it has been cooked before time began; China and India are the top producers today.

Yes, you can make the recipe  Jenny Craig compliant  and portion controlled. I plan to include a nutritional panel and a portion size suggestion.

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