Marinating the Strawberries

looks delicious
looks delicious

My daughter Karla uses email a lot, especially when it comes to birthdays and Christmas. The emails are full of detailed descriptions, pictures, where they can be purchased, rank ordered and cost. She is just as organized in finding things she would like to tryout. Recently she sent me a recipe for something that was billed as a ‘Strawberry pizza.’ It was simple enough, but besides being really a strawberry pastry dessert… it failed to be too interesting… so I thought I’d work on it a bit.

The topping was ordinary and needed something else… so the first thing was to use a variation of a “Strawberries Romanoff” dessert that is popular in Southern California as well as France and it’s native Russia.

It requires ‘marinating’ the strawberries for 6 weeks (just kidding). Here’s the marinade which should make a nice ‘drink’ as well:

1 pint strawberries (sliced in half)
2 cups made up of equal amounts of the following:  Orange Juice Concentrate, Armagnac, and Triple Sec (Contreau or Grand Mariner)
1/2 teaspoon mace ( one of my favorites)

Looks good enough to put nto a blender with ice right now… but this is for Karla’s Pizza… hmm

Roger Freberg

(full recipe to follow)

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