strawberry pizza or torte

Strawberry Pizza or Torte
Strawberry Pizza or Torte

Karla came up with an interesting request a while back. She found a recipe for what was billed as a “Strawberry Pizza.” Since Karla is given to unusual requests , I wondered how small I could make it without having to actually… eat any.

After looking over the recipe, I realized that some changes we necessary: 1) Mace, Cinnamon and Cardamom and powdered sugar (rather than granulated in the original) for the crust, powdered sugar and white chocolate went into the cream cheese layer and the strawberries were made ala Romanoff with a Cassis glaze rather than a strawberry glaze.

Oh, maybe I overly customized this Chevy… but it worked out just fine!

Here’s the recipe

Roger Freberg

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