Well, a few days ago , I talked about a lovely marinade to soak a pint of strawberries to be used in what Karla called “Strawberry Pizza.” I hinted that the marinade would have some uses later on… and that it would ‘live again’ as a wonderful ‘drink.’
The only thought is to add something plus finely crushed ice to make it superb!
However, this is no ordinary alcoholic libation… it carries with it a serious ‘kick’ that surprised me. At first, I turned to Laura and queried whether or not the alcohol may have evaporated? She gave me this school marm look as if to say,” so, you think you will be able to walk after this?”
In any event, you definitely want to be wherever you intend to stay for the night before you enjoy this very special drink.
One of the interesting challenges of having your adult children all over the world is that you have to pick out the holiday decorations by yourself… and buy the mandatory Christmas Tree.
As is our habit each year, we find just the right tree!
Laura is working on the tree as we speak and I think I will put on the latest ‘Narnia” movie for backgound!
So as is my tradition, I will go sit in my chair and enjoy the festivities… hmmmm… I wonder if I should make some home made ‘egg nog’ this year? Why is the rum gone?… oh yeah… that’s why!
So , no matter what the future may bring, no matter what troubles and worries might be about you… enjoy this holiday season…
Roger Freberg