home made eggnog ice cream

home made eggnog ice cream fits right in with out special bread pudding!
home made eggnog ice cream fits right in with our special bread pudding!

I received a few inquiries on our home made ice cream and I didn’t include it with the bread pudding recipe because it was rather simple and because I included a short cut… the use of store made egg nog ( although I guess I could use some of my own home made eggnog… but it has more important uses… ahem!)

Our Eggnog Ice cream recipe based on a few changes to a simple vanilla ice cream recipe:

8 egg yolks
1 pint eggnog
1 pint heavy cream
1 vanilla pod
1 cup Baker’s sugar


a) infuse the seeds from the vanilla pod into the cream
b) whip up egg yolks ( I save the egg whites for topping my breads to hold on seeds and such)
c) mix all ingredients together and place into ice cream maker


Roger Freberg

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