national day of resistance or starbucks appreciation day

Gun ownership like democracy is uniquely American. Why would we like to be a slave like everyone else?
Gun ownership like democracy is uniquely American. Why would we like to be a slave like everyone else in the world?

It’s truly hard to start a discussion on how to address the problems of our economy or national defense of our country when those in authority at all levels are working so desperately to distract the citizenry with various contrived ‘crises.’ Nowhere is this more evident that the continued attacks on the 2nd amendment… that really should be a non issue.

In any event, since folks keep wanting to discuss our right to bear arms, there seems to be a lot of discussion. Nothing has brought people together more than the threats of an overzealous confiscatory government.

Here are a few of the recent issues that have caught my eye:

1)  There have been many companies targeted by governmental agencies for their either neutral or pro-gun views. I particularly was amused at how the support began to swell when anti-second folks tried to boycott Starbucks!

CLICK HERE to read more

2) President Obama has turned over his grassroots campaign to bring his fervent message of gun control and confiscation to the masses in the so-called “Gun Grabber’s Appreciation Day!”

3) Day of Resistance 2.23

The “Day of Resistance” was designed to defend the ownership of the American AR-15 rifle, which was coined as an ‘Assault Rifle”… whatever that is? The caliber is .223 so I guess they thought February 23rd was a good day to get together to support this famous rifle.

Article one

Article two

A underlying and disturbing tremor is running through the discussion with the federal government buying up every piece of ammunition and rifle they can get their hands on and passing them along to not only homeland security but also social security and the tax man… and I am sure among others.

One dark forecaster said that our federal government has enough firepower to shoot every American 100 times. Should we be concerned?

Bake some love for your Saint Valentine

An assortment of yummy things is always in order... on the left is some wonderful Amarula Carrot cupcakes, traditional Baklava and then Pecan studded Brownies!
An assortment of yummy things is always in order… on the left is some wonderful Amarula Carrot cupcakes, traditional Baklava and then Pecan studded Brownies!

“Nothing shows loven like something from the oven!” went the old Pillsbury jingle… and so true it is! If turkey is for Thanksgiving , then chocolate, flowers and desserts are made for Valentine’s Day!

Carrot cupcakes are great for all your little Valentine’s out there.

For that special Valentine of mine, I am using a (gasp!) mix from Louisiana of which I am fond for a Red Velvet Cake!

AaAaah... Red Velvet Cake!
AaAaah… Red Velvet Cake!

There are many claims as to where Red Velvet Cake originated… but there is no doubt that wherever it came it has been adopted as a favorite of the American South!  This mix comes from Louisiana… the home of all great food. It’s tough to lay your hands on, but so worth it!

Traditionally, folks bake it up into a multilayer cake, but I plan to use a bundt cake pan as “nature and God intended.”

Can you taste the cream cheese frosting??
Can you taste the cream cheese frosting??

Make something sweet for those you love this Saint Valentine’s day!

when its cold, sometimes only a hot dog will do

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Hot Dogs — courtesy of Farmer John … CLICK to learn more

Something about a hot dog hits the spot on certain cold and rainy days… perfect with something refreshing and sittnig down to watch a movie you’ve put off for just this sort of occasion.

A little shout out to my Favorite local product, Farmer John and their particularly wonderful Polish Sausage. Now a Polish Sausage makes the perfect filler to a traditional ball park style bun. Personally, the Wolf Brand Chili folks make a hot dog sauce ( chili sauce) that makes it complete topped with diced onions and cheese. Sometimes the simple things are best!

the second amendment protects all our other rights

CLICK on the above photo to hear about the second amendment and gun control
CLICK on the above photo to hear about the second amendment and gun control

If you look around my page, you will notice that I support hunting and the NRA. So, I am saddened by the discussion of gun control as a wedge issue covering the big issues of our time, including our falling economy, reducing opportunities and jobs.

If our country continues on this self destructive path, there will be a greater need for personal protection and not less.