Karen’s first day and second of Conference in Dalian


Karen surveying the landscape and offerings in Dalian, China.

It looks extraordinary!


On Karen’s second day was a full day at the conference PLUS a tour of Dalian and the surrounds! China’s largest stone animals and the largest plaza was part of the tour. A beach frequented by Russian Tourists was a hit as well!


Karen’s third day was all about her invited talk… And as is customary in our family we all say to her in a good natured way, ” What if no body comes ??!”

Knowing Karen it was a hit!

And they gave me a tea shirt

My daughters do travel and when they do the bring something back for ol Dad and Mom. The truth is… They are very generous! I particularly enjoy cookbooks… Although translations are slow and at times laborious.

Karen is presenting in China


They are fans of Jenny Craig nutrition and they bring it with them everywhere! In the above, Karen has taken a package of Jenny Craig cereal into the Cathedral of Notre Dame.