Kolokithokeftethes is an delicious appetizer

Kolokithokeftethes or "Zucchini Fritters" -- CLICK on the picture to read Lynn Livanos Athan's recipe.

When in San Francisco, I have enjoyed dining — when my ‘diet’ allows — in a city that appreciates the art and science of cuisne from around the world. If I had to pick my favorite, it continues to be the fabulous Greek restaurant  ‘ Kokkari Estiatoria”.  Here is Kokkari in pictures on Yelp.

I love a restaurant that teaches you something every time you visit… they may not give you their recipes ( who really does?), but they leave you questioning,” hmmm… what is in  that wonder?” One of Kokkari’s delicious appetizers is a ‘zuccini fritter’ called ‘Kolokithokeftethes.’  Lynn Livanos Athan  has a wonderful recipe to start you on your way! CLICK  to read.