do you remember what you learned to cook first?

Here is a Scandinavian Mushroom Cookie that goes by a different name and shape in each country in which it is made... and it was my father-in-law's favorite! CLICK on the above picture for the recipe

Now cookies and desserts weren’t the first thing I learned how to make as a child… but it was the first category of edibles that caught my attention!

Frankly, the first thing I learned how to make was to prepare rice by boiling. I wasn’t very old and I had to use a chair to get to the controls of the stove, but one afternoon when my mother was off, I measured our a portion of rice added salt and water and made myself a nice snack. We didn’t have butter in those days, so a slice of margarine made the meal complete and headed off to my room to devour my creation! This would have gone unnoticed , except for the fact that I left stove on under what small remained of the rice and it carbonized! I learned an important lesson that day… to hide my tracks!

Making the cookie is a multi-step process of rollong out the stems, making the caps and then assembling it all with a nice frosting as a glue!

There is nothing quite like a mushroom cookie to allow you to sit back and enjoy a nice cup of tea or coffee!

This year, I am starting early with cookie making... but then, I normally don't 'diet' this time of year and it is 'therapy!'

Bon Appetite!