Jenny Craig, what were you thinking?

Jenny Craig, what were you thinking? CLICK on the picture for some enlightening research on High Fructose Corn syrup and obesity

Laura and I have enjoyed the past five plus years or so  on Jenny Craig. We lost a ton of weight in the first 10 months, then we began to follow their ‘maintenance program’ which — I believe — has been the key to a dieters long term success. It is clear that Jenny Craig is head and shoulders over the diet offerings as confirmed recently by a recent article in Consumer Reports.  However, they won’t last long if they continue to put High Fructose Corn Syrup in their food… this is a red flag for me and many others … and there also some very disturbing research on this sweetener:

Okay, okay… the study was done on rats, but it would be somewhat ethically challenging to do this experiment on people. Imagine if you sent old great aunt Maude on an expensive diet program and she came back as a blimp, because unfortunately, she was the one fed on High-fructose corn syrup.

Jenny Craig, I am not asking for organic brown rice syrup — which I think is hype anyway, but the jury has already come back on this stuff and it isn’t good, High Fructose Corn Syrup has got to go.