a friend in need is a friend with cheesecake

Happy Dad
No, I am not tipsy... but I am enjoying myself at the Justin Winery CLICK on the picture above to visit the Justin Winery

Let’s just say that one of our friends, one of our very good friends, sent an invitation to dine at the Justin Winery just east of Paso Robles. The trip reminds me of how fun it must have been to visit Hearst castle in the 30’s navigating over old country roads… it took a while to get there, but the dining experience more than paid for Mr. Toad’s Wild ride! We enjoyed a marvelous five courses, each served with a specially selected wine ranging  from the fruity and sweet early in the evening to a full on Cabernet over three hours later.

Karen, Laura and me at Justin Winery
Karen, Laura and me at Justin Winery in Paso Robles

Karen really doesn’t drink, but she did sample each of the wines at the appropriate times and seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself! … and who wouldn’t?

Dad inspecting the wine
well over 30 years ago, I joined a fledgling wine club called "Knights of the Vine"... and my love for wine has never abated... vintners have come and gone... but the appreciation for the efforts and successes of each has stayed.

I deeply appreciate our friends kindness and generosity… how can I ever properly thank him?

summer fun

Going to the mid state fair in paso robles!
Going to the mid state fair in lovely Paso Robles! CLICK on the picture to visit the fair!

 And what are you doing this summer? Well, for us going to the fair is always a fun time, I have to admit that beating the guesser ( who tries to ‘guess’ your weight) is always fun, but I always enjoyed slamming the sledgehammer down and ringing the bell ( unfortunately now gone).

This year marks Laura’s and my 40th high school reunion and our 38th wedding anniversary. Hard to imagine it has been that long. I remember one of my favorite people once tld me as a child that it surprised him so when he looke dinto the mirror to find an old man staring back at him!

Summer heat is also a great time to try on those funny hats!