dad 1 raccoons zero

yard guard by bird-x
my new best friend is ‘yard guard’ by Bird-x — CLICK on picture

I have a beautiful grape trellis that rests about ten feet above our patio. Over, around, and through the trellis is an expansive Concord Grape plant that spans around thirty feet and is very productive now that it is mature; that is when the raccoons don’t sample it!

Over the years I have thought some very nasty thoughts about these varmits when I would chase them away at all hours of the night, but no more! Today, I have a  ‘raccoon annoyer’ ( my words) from Bird-x  that I was able to buy from the helpful folks at  Double D feed and supply  here in San Luis Obispo.

 In the past, I listened to far too many people who told me these things don’t work… these are the same sorts of people who would swerve off the road to avoid a squirrel… I should have known better! Last night I watched as the raccoons slinked by my place… it appeared as though something was ‘annoying them’… poor babies! heh heh 😉

So, it looks like we’ll have a good crop this year.

lighting a FIRE under Cal Poly

Cal Poly under FIRE

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has had an ignominious history of curtailing constitutionally protected free speech often — in my humble opinion — politically motivated. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education  (FIRE) picked up the challenge of putting Cal Poly back on course, but it is an on-going process.

READ here about the Cal Poly story.

Adam Kissel of FIRE will be speaking this week at Cal Poly, visiting classes, touring the university and hopefully working with administrators in a proactive manner. Hopefully, Cal Poly will meet with Adam as not all challenges need to be met in federal court.

Thanks for coming, Adam!

Roger Freberg

another day on the central coast

laguna lake
"Laguna Lake" in San Luis Obispo, California

I confess that I love Saturdays as this is the day for Farmer’s Market near where we live. This provides a nice 2 mile walk one way, a walk back stopping at a wonderful little coffee shop to sit in overstuffed chairs and watch the tourists. To keep us from being too ‘bad’, Laura brings a couple of small snacks to enjoy during coffee time.

Saturday Farmer's Market in west San Luis Obispo
Saturday Farmer's Market in west San Luis Obispo

Not all is perfect in little San Luis as the local downtown business association is making a power grab to wrest control of the market from the Farmers.

You can let Mayor Dave know how you feel:

save the farmers!