making and baking ladyfingers

home made ladyfingers or Savoiardi
home made Ladyfingers or Savoiardi are delicious!

Do you know what I love about many professional recipe makers, chefs and test kitchen cooks? In truth, I have a great deal of respect for many… but few tell their ‘secrets.’ My grandmother was far more blunt, she would often say,” when it comes to disclosing our recipes, we all lie!” Anyone who has tried to make a good meringue by following a cookbook recipe knows exactly what we mean!

When so many recipes try to discourage you from making your own ladyfingers, I should have known that something foul was afoot!

Obviously, I had to play around with all the of the self described ‘classic’ recipes to find something that would be acceptable. In addition, I planned to use these in my own Tiramisu so I wanted something nicer than store bought. The basic physical techniques for making ladyfingers are all very similar regardless of the recipe; however, it is the proportions and the fact that the recipes are incomplete that is so interesting.

Here’s how I made them!

Tomorrow we’ll discuss Tiramisu.

Bon appetite
