Stuffed Bell Peppers helps the diet along

On a diet? Well each one of these are around 300 calories plus each... sometimes more. CLICK on the picture to read about it and the recipe in the step by step process.

The above version departed slightly from the original recipe incorporating lean ground pork and lamb with the bacon and a spicy curry flavoring to the rice… oh yes, our  five chef’s marinara  sauce completes it!

Bon appetite!

be creative in stuffing a bell pepper

Almost any leftover dish containing rice makes an excellent stuffying for a bell pepper! CLICK on the picture for a step-by-step guide and recipe.

There are many things that you can stuff a bell pepper and make it wonderful! I have used left over Paella, Seafood Gumbo ( a little extra rice for thickening), Smorvis and a more traditional meat and rice combination.

Anyway, you make it and it’s wonderful. BTW, if there are left overs, I wrap them individually in plastic wrap, freeze them and the reconstitute easily in a microwave later on!

Oh yes, and they are relatively nice portion controlled item for those watching their waistlines!


what she really wants on mothers day

what she really wants on mothers day

After 38 years of marriage and much soul searching, I am starting to get better at gifting the women in my life what they want for special occasions. The secret? I ask them! Obviously, it is extremely bad form to ask any woman what they want on the day of the event; however, I manage to sneak questions into the conversation well in advance.

Most of our events center around food, since we are foodies this should not surprise anyone. Laura loves my stuffed Bell Peppers — as did her mother — so this isn’t too tough a decision. However, dessert is always a challenge. Laura loved the tin roof sundae served at a restaurant called the ‘Hamburger Hamlet. Dessert won’t be a tough one to recreate with homemade french vanilla ice cream, real caramel, nuts and hot fudge smothered in whipped cream! I guess I’ll have one as well!

Laura also wanted an ergonomically designed chair…  which was a bit more challenging, but this one has memory foam for the padding and looked a great deal more reputable than the others I found. Oh yes, there was the iPad.

Happy Mother’s Day, Laura and to everyone!