the three ingredient bachelor meal for the son or daughter who cooks nothing

the simple three ingredient bachelor(ette) meal! 😉

I am constantly surprised by the young people I meet who don’t know how to cook? How do they live?? There is an exciting world out there of culinary discovery that can not be found in a restaurant with arches or without, because it is what you create yourself!

So, unlike IRONMAN, most budding cooks must walk before they can run and this means starting at the basics. Here are a few suggestions:

1) give them a very very simple cookbook… Better Homes and Garden has a great one for less than $20 at B.H.& G. is an old line cookbook — now in it’s 15th edition — that is a wonderful gift to anyone starting out. The recipes are simple, economical and with few ingredients and step-by-step guidance.

2) Translate your fun meals into even simpler ones for the new cook. The meal above contains three ‘ingredients’ (actually, three packages ingredients): one whole chicken ( they can be purchased without it’s natural ‘stuffing’), an Uncle Ben’s precooked rice package ( many contain a nice mixture that will appeal) and a little seasoning over the top of the chicken ( many pre-blended shakers available: salt, pepper and garlic powder is popular).

Bake 375 degrees F. for 2 hours and 20 minutes

Doesn’t get much easier than this!

3) Encourage the new cook to seek out a teacher… someone who can get them to the next level. After mastery of the simple cookbook, you can gift them with specialty cook books in which they may have an interest: cookies and desserts, fondue, and celebrity chef’s books ( they only look hard, in reality, their recipes have only a few steps and simple commonplace ingredients… This is key to selling a cook book ).

4) Practice — there is no substitute for experience.


Bon appetite

