I want a quiche at noon

a really fun quiche!

On of the things I love for lunch is a good ‘quiche.’ In fact , I have many recipes for this delightful dish and I can safely say that I have tried and enjoyed them all!

My fondest memories is of a certain Santa Barbaran caterer and restaurateur who made the nicest and simplest quiches. This petite French cook was unable to interest her daughters in taking over the business which was a major cultural loss. I confess to having made many a run to stock up on her master pieces. I particularly loved the Spinach quiche and her Quiche Loraine was classic and delightful!

Here’s a simple version of today’s quiche:

8 eggs
shredded CHEESE: 1 cup Gruyere and 1 cup Mozzarella
1 1/2 teaspoon salt, pepper and garlic powder combination
1/2 pound of bacon cooked
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1 small can of sliced mushrooms, drained and slightly cooked ( 1 minute in the microwave will remove excess moisture)
1/8 teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and nutmeg
2 cups heavy cream

use your favorite pie crust or try mine

Process: the process is fairly standard: precook the bacon and crumble, saute the onions in the remaining bacon fat adding a little butter. Make pastry crust and place into pie or quiche pan. Place mushrooms and  bacon in pastry shell. Pour remaining mixed ingredients into pastry shell.

Bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees F. , then another 30 minutes at 350 or until a knife inserted into the middle of the pie can be withdrawn clean.

Take you pie outside, open a bottle of wine and enjoy the day!

Roger Freberg

PS. Here is my Quiche Loraine version